T’was a time not so long ago when most self respecting gentlemen kept a stock of fine personalized stationery at the ready. How else would the recipient of his affections know his true heart? How else could she trust in the authenticity of the author? Times have changed for sure, but there’s still nothing quite like receiving a personal missive you can hold in your hand. If you want to receive, you have to give. So give him the gift of cool stationery he’ll actually use.
The List: 9 Personalized Stationery Sets for Him
1. For The Deer Hunter
5 x 7″ notecards + envelopes | ecru matte paper
$2.50 ea @ 10 | $1.54 ea @ 100
Order via Etsy >
2. For The Big Ego
5 x 7″ notecards + envelopes | calling cards | natural white paper
$4.25 ea @ 20 | $1.40 ea @ 200
Order via Rifle Paper Co >
3. For The Fisherman
4.25 x 5.5″ notecards + envelopes | 130lb creamy white paper
3 color choices for the lure (we like pink!)
$2.00 ea @ 50 | $1.52 ea @ 100
Order via Minted >
4. For A Subtle Guy
4.25 x 5.5″ notecards + kraft envelopes | 110lb cotton paper
Letterpress with 18pt Futura Classic Bold font
$2.72 ea @ 25 | $2.20 ea @ 50
Order via Etsy >
5. For The Modern Art Fan
4.25 x 5.5″ notecards + envelopes | 130lb creamy white paper
3 color choices for the custom text (we like red!)
$2.00 ea @ 50 | $1.52 ea @ 100
Order via Minted >
6. For The Dreamer
4.5 x 6.25″ notecards | 130lb superfine paper
2 color choices for the paper (we like blue!)
$1.79 ea @ 20 | $1.09 ea @ 100
Order via Paper Source >
7. For The Beach Bum
4.25 x 5.5″ notecards + envelopes | gold foil | 130lb paper
5 color choices for the foil/paper (we like white!)
$2.60 ea @ 25 | $2.30 ea @ 100
Order via Minted >
8. For The Hiker
4.25 x 5.5″ notecards + envelopes | 140lb paper
Many ink and envelope color choices
$1.60 ea
Order via Etsy >
9. For The Lumberjack (or Skier)
4.25 x 5.5″ notecards + envelopes | gold foil | 130lb paper
5 color choices for the foil/paper (we like silver!)
$2.60 ea @ 25 | $2.30 ea @ 100
Order via Minted >
Did we miss a cool stationery set for men that’s easily personalized? Let us know in the comments and we might include it in a regular post update.